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Mark’s wild sleepovers with Jackson!

The music producer, Mark Ronson, who used to be friends with the late singer, Michael Jackson used to have sleepovers at his house which he desrcribed as “pretty wild.” When he was younger, he would often stay over in the same apartment as the ‘Thriller’ singer, where they would have a lot of fun joking and playing around.

He said: ”I was probably 12. He was super cool. You’re 12 years old and he’s the world’s most famous overgrown kid, who’s running around your friend’s apartment with you. It was pretty wild.”


Mark, son of writer and socialite Ann Dexter-Jones and former band manager Laurence Ronson, admits his childhood was quite star-studded, and was once saved from drowning by Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney. 

He told live magazine: ”That sounded like one of my mum’s crazy stories. But then I did a song with Paul McCartney a few months ago. After a couple of days in the studio, he came in and said, ‘Your mum’s Ann, right? Me and Linda (his late wife) would always run into your parents on the beach in Long Island.’ I told him about my mum’s story that he saved me from drowning one time, and he said he vaguely remembered something like that.


A star-studded childhood AND Neverland sleepovers? We can’t help but be slightly envious, Mark!


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