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How masturbation improves skin health and texture

PlusOne® has released the results of a recent eight-week clinical study to determine the health benefits of achieving orgasms regularly through masturbation with plusOne® products. The study, conducted with the assistance of Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), examined 33 women over four and eight weeks. Three studies included an evaluation of improvement in skin condition, depression and sleep quality, mood and quality of life in women. The women, aged 35 to 50, had a diverse range of ethnicities and body types. The results proved, without a doubt, masturbation is good for you!

The IRI data shows that four weeks into the study, participants found masturbating at least three days per week leads to improved firmness, elasticity and skin radiance. At week eight, the results continued to show improvement in the overall appearance of the skin, including texture and tone and diminished sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. The individuals collectively reported their skin felt tighter and firmer and looked brighter and more lifted. It proves the link between sexual wellness and healthier skin. Are you curious about how it helps with mental health and depression? According to the IRI data, four weeks into the study, women reported they felt less depressed, anxious and worried due to masturbating at least three days per week.

They felt more appreciative of themselves and could relax and enjoy alone time.

Sleep Quality

The women reported an improvement in their sleep quality, less ‘fogginess’ throughout the day, and felt more cheerful and energetic. “Our mission is to eliminate all taboos around the subject of sexual wellness devices, reframing and opening up the discussion as health, beauty and wellness by providing high-quality, tasteful, affordable, sexual wellness products to traditional food, drug and mass retailers,” said a representative of Clio, the parent company behind plusOne®.

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