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Huggies reaches out

For most people, Summer usually translates to multiple cocktails, endless tan lines and long walks on the beach. However, for the many selfless caregivers out there, this is simply a time in which trying to take care of several babies becomes all the more challenging. That’s where Huggies has stepped in, and donated approximately 334 080 nappies to several deserving organisations across the country. This admirable initiative is a way to make the rollercoaster of parenting a little easier – especially for those who need assistance most!

We know how much our GLAMOUR readers love to give a little more, especially where it counts, so we’re providing the names of some of the worthy causes that need help in the form of monetary donations, nappies, or a little of your time spent volunteering. Trust us, it really will bring a little more love into the lives of those whom deserve it.

Ubuntu House – 021 592 0610

Fairy Godmothers – 082 040 1520

Abangani Enkosi – 011 443 0682

Takalani Home – 011 938 1587

Light House Baby Shelters – 082 922 4955

Find out more about other ways to help charity and make a difference!

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