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This is what your urine reveals about your health (and it's fascinating)

The telltale signs found in your toilet...

A lot of you would be lying if you denied ever taking a curious peak at your wee after you've been for a toilet trip.

No, you're not being weird, you might actually be keeping on top of your health by having a long hard look at your urine. Indeed, from the colour, to the smell and the frequency, your wee says a lot about your wellbeing.

We've broken down some fascinating urine facts - from how often you should go to what the optimum hue is - to make your next toilet trip that little bit more insightful.

You should be weeing around 6-7 times a day

The average person empties their bladder around 6-7 times over a 24 hour period. However, it's not uncommon to go over this, especially if you're drinking lots.

’’The normal range for 24-hour urine volume is 800 to 2,000 millilitres per day", says Dr Imogen Bexfield, Medical Director at White Swan Aesthetics. "This is based on an average fluid intake of approximately two litres per day."

"Medications, supplements, certain food and beverages can also all affect the number of times we pee per day. For example, coffee and alcohol are diuretics."

A sudden increase in frequency with no notable cause, could be a sign of something more serious such as an overactive bladder, pregnancy, a UTI or kidney infection. If this is the case, contact your GP for more information.

If it's yellow, you can mellow

The common belief is that your urine should be pretty much clear - but that's where you're wrong. Actually, if your urine is a darker yellow, it's not all doom and gloom.

"Normal urine colour ranges from pale yellow to deep amber", says Dr Imogen. "Changes in colour are normal and can be dictated by the food and drink you're consuming."

It is true however, that the darker your wee, the more dehydrated you are (which I am sure you know well from a toilet trip the morning after a heavy night out). "When we're dehydrated, our kidneys (which filter our waste) tell the body to hold onto any water it takes", says Dr Imogen. "As a result, we have less water in our urine, which causes it to become more concentrated and darker."

While most changes in colour are harmless, if you do see something that concerns you, such as dark pink or red urine with no identifiable cause, be sure to contact your GP immediately.

Most smells are harmless...

The number one cause for smelly wee is dehydration, which is why you probably find that your wee is at its most potent after a night of replacing water with wine. Shudders.

"Certain types of food can also cause it to smell different", says Dr Imogen. "Have you ever eaten asparagus and noticed that your wee smelled a bit ‘off’ afterwards?"

"This is because its pigments are present in urine. Certain foods like, onions, Brussel sprouts, spices, garlic, curry, salmon, alcohol, and even coffee can change the smell."

Leaks happen

Dr Imogen says there are two type of incontinence; stress incontinence and urge incontinence and you shouldn't be ashamed of either because they're both totally natural.

"If a woman leaks urine when laughing, sneezing, coughing or exercising strenuously, it is called stress incontinence and is generally related to a weakness in the urethra. This is common after child birth. Stress incontinence can also be related to being overweight, which puts additional pressure on a person's pelvic floor muscle."

Urge incontinence on the other hand, is a condition related to an overactive bladder, in which the bladder muscle begins to squeeze prematurely.

"People who feel an overwhelming urgency to urinate and leak urine before reaching the toilet may have urge incontinence."

Fascinating stuff.

This article originally appeared on GLAMOUR UK | Bianca London

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