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10 Ways you know you’re happy with your body

1. You hear yourself saying to man, “Come to bed… and why don’t we leave the lights on this time?”

2. You can wear your favourite jeans on a cross-country flight without wondering if the circulation to your thighs will be cut off somewhere between Cape Town and Joburg.

3. You occasionally eat a vat of fettuccine Alfredo but don’t flip out about it because you’re confident you’ll be able to eat healthier again tomorrow.

4. You’ve retired the shaping underwear to the back of your drawer and feel just fine going bare-legged under your skirts.

5. You take your time choosing accessories for a big night out because you’re not wasting energy obsessing about the best outfit to camouflage your hips and butt.

6. The only muffin-top in sight is the one behind the deli counter where you buy your cup of coffee every morning.

7. The prospect of a pool party or last-minute beach jaunt leaves you full of excitement, not consumed with dread.

8. You consistently exercise – hiking, playing a set of tennis – that makes you feel good, rather than punished.

9. You decide to skip dessert because you’re really not that hungry – and you don’t feel at all deprived, either.

10. You’ve finally internalised this truth: life is far too rich, interesting and short to waste on hating your body.

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