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This is what your weird sleep habits say about your health

It makes your skin glow, boosts your health and is pretty damn glorious, but sleep isn’t such a godsend when you can’t actually get enough of the stuff (cup of moon milk, anyone?).

If you’re suffering from some bizarre sleeping habits and they’re wreaking havoc with your shut-eye, we’re here to help you get your forty winks.

We’ve called on Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, sleep expert for Silentnight, to demystify your weird ass sleeping habits and reveal how you can enjoy better quality snoozes.

Those bizarre dreams you’ve been having

A new study into dreams has revealed that nearly half of Brits let their dreams affect their mood the next day.

Suffering from nightmares? It’s time to re-evaluate your lifestyle habits, folks.

“Noisy, dream-laden sleep can arise from poor lifestyle habits such as too many stimulants, alcohol, caffeine and refined sugars, or looking at screens too close to bedtime,” said Dr Nerina Ramlakhan.

“All of these can over-stimulate the nervous system causing increased REM (dreaming) sleep. Clean up your lifestyle and your sleep will be purer and more restorative.”

Dr Nerina Ramlakhan explained that it’s common for people to wake up feeling out of sorts after a night of dreaming (we’ve all been there), and that we can all get powerful insights from our dreams if we start to really pay attention to them; notepads at the ready.

“A good place to start is to write your dreams down as soon as you wake up. Keep a diary on your bedside table and write the dream down before you tell anyone about it. You may not immediately arrive at the meaning of your dream but the interpretation may come hours later, for example, while you are daydreaming or exercising.”

Teeth grinding

Bruxism is the unconscious, nocturnal grinding of the teeth, and can be a manifestation of anxiety and tension.

Often those who suffer from bruxism are perfectionistic high-achievers who may have difficulties establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in their work and home life – they simply find it difficult to say ‘no’. Sound like you?

Dr Nerina offers some tips on how to manage Bruxism on a daily basis:

1. Become more aware of how much you give and who is supporting you – do you have a good friend or partner who listens to you? Or do you find that you are the one who always does the listening? Are you the ‘therapist’ for all of your friends?

2. If you find it difficult to talk about your problems, try keeping a diary or journal. Write down your thoughts, fears and anxieties as they arise. The best time to do this is before you go to bed or first thing in the morning.

3. Join a  yoga or relaxation class – practising regular relaxation techniques can help to alleviate muscular tension all over the body.

4. Practice jaw exercises such as the Lion Pose and the jaw ‘waggle’.

Sleeping in separate beds

Recent research by Silentnight found that nearly half of Brits regularly sleep in separate beds, and 40 per cent say that their partner snoring is the reason they can’t get enough sleep.

Dr Nerina Ramlakhan explains why moving to a separate bed isn’t always the wisest choice and staying where you are could help you drift off much easier.

She says: “Intimacy shouldn’t be underestimated if you are concerned about your sleep. Being close to a partner induces Oxytocin, the so-called ‘love hormone’, that allows you to feel secure and relaxed. This is actually something that is vital for good, restorative sleep but it’s often overlooked in favour of the peace and quiet of the spare room.

“Oxytocin can be induced by simply giving your partner a hug or telling them you love them. If you are struggling to sleep or have got into the habit of sleeping in separate beds due to a number of reasons, I’d recommend taking the time to recalibrate your sleep by cuddling up to your partner for 10 minutes; you might be surprised just how well you sleep afterwards!

“Alternatively, if you or your partner has a big meeting the next day, then do consider sleeping in separate beds, particularly if one partner excessively snores and this stops you from a good night’s sleep.”

Need some tips on how to nod off? Read the  expert guide to falling asleep and the  GLAMOUR staff’s best hacks.

And so to bed…

Taken from GLAMOUR UK. Read the original  here.

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