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Anti-ageing: when should you start?

Modern life is tough, not least of all on our skins. Here’s where anti-ageing products come in! The main goal: to beat ageing at its own game by targeting problems as they arise. But what’s a good age to start slapping on the lotions and potions? Below, you’ll find the areas you really need to target, according to your age group:

In your 20s

Um, prevention is better than cure, right? To really safe-guard your skin you need to focus on preventing serious damage from happening. That means you need to says ‘yes’ to sunscreen (lots of it)! A good SPF and serums loaded with antioxidants are the best way to keep you skin healthy at this age.

In your 30s

Hello, blemishes! To keep age spots and those pesky fine lines at bay you need to start being clever with your exfoliation. Enzymatic ones are literally your skin’s new BFFs as they will dissolve dead cells without damaging healthy skin.

In your 40s

Look, there’s no getting around the fact that you’ll have started to see an increase in fine lines and wrinkles. But, there’s hope! You can postpone them by using skin-boosting products that contain collagen and retinol.

In your 50s

Gravity is a real cow, so fight it with firming ingredients like retinol and peptides. These help your skin renew itself quicker, as well as assist in plumping the skin.

Emmy is the daughter of a sailor, animal loving, coffee addicted, beauty product junkie editor of  Rouge.

Looking for more anti-ageing advice? Check out these 10 tips to keep wrinkles at bay and did you know that these 5 makeup mistakes make you look older – instantly

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