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Glamour: Women In Charge: Meet Aesthetics maven Amy Knoetze who’s growing her all-female business against the odds

Glamour: What does women's month mean to you?

Amy Knoetze: This is a month to celebrate the women around us, to reflect and respect each other and lift eachother up. To spread kindness, appreciation and RECOGNITION to the amazing women in our communities, our homes, at work and in our friendship circles.

G: Why is it important to celebrate the women of South Africa?

AK: Although each of our paths look different and we do do many roles: mother, friend, wife, CEO, nurturer, night-nurse, healer, the women operating on no sleep, girlfriend, mentor, grandmother, cleaner, cook, driver, advice giver, provider, comforter….as women we all Rise Up to the occasion no matter what no matter how exhausted , heartbroken or terrified we are. We show up every time because that’s just what women do! This should be respected and celebrated!

G: What inspires you to be successful?

AK: Well first you have to think about what success looks like to you. To me success is the process of having an initial idea and creating something tangible. I absolutely love the process of building my business, money is transitional and rather than a figure in my bank account I find success in acting on my dreams! Don’t get me wrong I love making money too as it does give a level of freedom, but I mostly re-invest it to keep growing my dreams.

G:What do you think is the most significant barrier to female success?

AK: The biggest obstacle in life has been having confidence and belief in myself. That voice in my head that said I was not good enough or I didn’t belong there. I now know that I am supposed to be in the room, at the table, heck I own the table. It's something I often have to remind myself of. I also struggled with money blocks, I would get to a plateau and not break a barrier for a long time, something eventually changes when you decide you CAN and I am smashing mental blocks on a daily basis!!!

G: Your biggest motivation?

AK: Other than making my dream a reality, I want a stable life, to live in a nice home in a safe area, drive a nice car, provide for my beautiful little boy and have financial freedom where I can not only help myself but guide and help those around me… it may be taboo to some but i'm telling you ladies it's OK to want healthy independent finances, or to travel of buy nice things or whatever else your heart desires and you CAN do it!

G: What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

AK: Do the inner work girl, watch how you let that voice in your head speak to you and find a good mentor and accountability partner ASAP!

G: Which women are on your radar and why?

AK: Tarryn le Roux- Founder of Sweet Fragrance NPO, this woman is moving mountains in communities, speaking into the hearts of women and lifting them up in a huge way

Nicolene Elhadad- the Franchise Queen and business coach, this woman is my personal mentor and since she has come into my life I have smashed the ceilings and grown my business to new heights.

G: What’s your message to women in business?

AK: To the established CEOS, find someone to mentor and share your learnings, to the women just starting, put in the work, vision boards are nothing without taking action, so put in the work, action your dreams and enjoy the journey.

G: How are you celebrating women’s month?

AK: We all just celebrated our all women team at a special dinner. We got to dress up and appreciate each other. I also had the pleasure of attending the Sweet Fragrance Charity breakfast on the 9th and wow it spoke to my heart and filled my cup.

G: Your favourite beauty moment OR The best advice you’ve received to date and from who?

AK: My favourite beauty moment is definitely every time I help restore a patient's confidence, it's not about the skin peel or botox… it’s the smile they have on their face at the end of the day. Ant the best advice i’ve received is from Veronica Cooper-my accountant and spirit mother☺ Don’t live beyond your means, its ok to start smaller and grow, this will give you stability.

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