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Glamour Women's Month Series: Meet Litchi & Titch’s dynamic Wonder Woman: Lecia Durham

The driving force behind the cruelty-free brand Litchi & Titch Lecia Durham is passionate about the natural health industry, cosmetics and all things environmentally conscious. Her mission is to create authentic skincare as indulgent as it is effective.

Glamour: What does women's month mean to you?

Lecia Durham: Women’s Month gives us all the opportunity to think about, as well as focus on women in general. From the women in our own lives (Moms, sisters, daughters, friends etc..), to those in serious need. As a business it is the opportunity to give back where we can. It’s a great time to start initiatives that will continue, like passing discontinued lines on to women who would really love some beautiful body products.

G: Why is it important to celebrate the women of South Africa?

LD: South Africa has a long history of oppression and Women are almost always the victims under these circumstances. Women are critical to a family and to children in particular. If they are not supported, encouraged and celebrated we are doing not only the women themselves, but future generations, an irreversible disservice.

G: What inspires you to be successful?

LD: My family, friends and the opportunities I have been given. I am very fortunate to have come as far as I have. The opportunities I have had inspire me to make the most of the success we have achieved.

I’m also inspired by other women and businesses around the world and in SA. I love new retail concepts and creative marketing ideas.

I find being in nature incredibly inspiring and uplifting.

G: What do you think is the most significant barrier to female success?

LD: In many instances, we are our own barriers. Women need to believe in themselves and their abilities, especially women who come from less fortunate circumstances. On a more practical level in South Africa, I believe education or the lack thereof, as well as financial opportunities, are the biggest barriers. So much more needs to be done to educate and empower people and women in particular. I strongly believe this needs to start with our government education system.

G: Your biggest motivation?

LD: Achieving my goals and working towards Litchi & Titch becoming a household name.

I also get a big kick out of hearing how products are genuinely helping people. Skin issues can be debilitating for some, and being able to helps in even a small way is just the most satisfying feeling.

G: What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

LD: Don’t sweat the small stuff! Focus on what you want and have as much fun as you can along the way.

G: Which women are on your radar and why?

LD: Gabriella Bernstein; I love what she stands for. She has travelled through adversity to get where she is today and now spreads a positive and uplifting message to millions around the world. I have learnt how to meditate and manifest thanks to Gabby Bernstein.

Maria Forleo; I find her energy inspiring and message practical and usable. She has built a business around helping others run their businesses. She never stops lifting others while imparting knowledge in a fun and relaxed way.

Sheryl Sandberg; Life has thrown many obstacles in Sheryl’s way and she has chosen to deal with them for future growth., instead of letting them ruin her. She is a powerful woman in a ‘man’s’ world, but she has not let this harden the way she deals with people or business in general.

Michelle Obama; For me Michelle Obama demonstrates incredible strength of character, humbleness, intelligence and a willingness to help others. Always giving opinions which come from a place of knowledge and fairness.

G: What’s your message to women in business?

LD: Get a good team of people working around you, even if this team is very small. Nobody can be brilliant and on top of everything! The right people will make or break your business.

Make sure your online and social media presence is the best it can be. This is the first thing people look at and also when it comes to advertising, social media is a very low-cost way to get started. If your company needs PR, get this sorted sooner rather than later.

G: How are you celebrating women’s month?

LD: We ran a promotion aimed at pampering women which was linked to discounted products. A percentage of all sales are to be sent to a local Women’s charity. We are also looking for the best places to pass discontinued and mildly soiled packaging on to women who would otherwise not get the opportunity to use luxurious body care.

G: Your favourite beauty moment OR The best advice you’ve received to date and from who?

LD: So many gems of advice and words of wisdom over the years. I think one of the views that sticks with me the most, is to ‘be the change you want to see’. Nobody is going to make changes in your life or business as effectively as You. Do what needs to be done.

In terms of best beauty moments…. I recently tried out our new Overnight Melting Balm Mask. I cleansed my skin just before bed and applied our Pro Ageing Oil Serum before placing the mask on top! I was not expecting how super-soft , moisturised and nourished my skin felt the next morning. I love it when hard work on a new product comes together so beautifully.

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