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ABSA partners with GLAMOUR for the Women of the Year Awards 2023

As one of the most anticipated events on South Africa’s social calendar, GLAMOUR’s Women of the Year Awards (WOTY) is a spectacular affair that honours some of the country’s most influential women.

This prestigious gathering celebrates the remarkable achievements of women powerhouses from various fields, recognizing their influence, resilience, and inspiring journeys.

From entertainment and business to activism, beauty, fashion and sports, these are women who have shattered boundaries, and continue to pave the way for future generations.

With female empowerment at the forefront, financial services company ABSA has partnered with WOTY for 2023.

As a leading Pan-African bank, ABSA’s mission is to empower and enable - from uplifting communities to investing in individuals and enabling their client’s ambitions.

“Our heartbeat is African and we are committed to a Pan-African presence and contribution.”

ABSA’s Empowered Women Series showcases the personal and professional investment they make into their female employees. From learning activities, mentoring and growth opportunities, women empowerment is woven into the fabric of their organisation.

These values align perfectly with the initiative of GLAMOUR and WOTY. At this year’s edition, ABSA and WOTY unite as a powerful duo to amplify the voices and presence of these remarkable women.

We look forward to hosting our esteemed guests at the Women of the Year Awards on 25 November 2023 in proud association with our supporting partners.

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