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GLAMOUR Women in Charge: Meet Jana Leonard

Jana Leonard is the Founder of JL PR and The Baskiti Co. A company which specialises in loving and growing the presence (and bottom-line) of lifestyle consumer brands within the decor, hospitality as well as fitness spaces respectively.

Glamour: Please tell us more about the work you do at Baskiti?

Jana Leonard: At Baskiti we create storage solutions for tricky problems and spaces - our products just make sense. They’re locally designed and manufactured and so incredibly beautiful! The most special thing about both my jobs is that I get to honestly do what I love!

Glamour: What makes you proud of being a woman and why?

JL: I love the fact that, as a woman, I can be both empathetic and add an emotional point of view to a situation as well as apply logical thinking. In addition, being a mom is one of my biggest achievements and for that I am truly grateful!

Glamour: Please share your biggest life lesson?

JL: Kindness doesn’t cost a cent; only your time and a little patience.

Glamour: And one unique lesson you’ve learnt in our professional capacity?

JL: I never knew how to weave a basket, now I do!

Glamour: If you had the opportunity to sit down with your 16 year old self, what would you say to her?

JL: I would tell her that she’s worth so much more than what she gives yourself credit for! I was so incredibly hard on myself when I was younger. And I would tell her that your life is amazing and you are kind, generous, sometimes still insecure but that you’re living a far better life than you could have ever imagined.

Glamour: What inspires you?

JL: Nature, for sure! The calm that comes with nature brings a sense of focus to my mind like nothing else. It’s also a space where I can think creatively and out of the box.

Glamour: Why is it important that we celebrate women and days like International Women’s Day?

JL: International Women’s Day is about "celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women" all over the world - how incredibly special is that. We have the opportunity to learn from one another, to empower each other and to show recognition for various professions, cultures as well as achievements. I honestly think it’s an opportunity to also pat yourself on the back and say - well done chick, you’ve done good!

Glamour: What do you know for sure?

JL: No matter what happens, my mom will always love me and I honestly hope my kids feel the same way when they’re my age!

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