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5 Fun ways to prioritise your health & fitness during the holidays

The health & fitness habits that you can easily add to your holiday social calendar.

The festive season is the only time of the year when we get to let go and let loose, but you definitely don’t want to derail your health and fitness journey only to start from scratch in January 2022. Here are five fun ideas from the Striide team that will help you prioritise your health and fitness during the holidays.

Try fun activities

If like many South Africans you plan on travelling this holiday, look for fun outdoor activities offered by or nearby your accommodation. Look out for scenic hiking trails, mountain climbing routes or water activities that will help you stay active and away from the buffet.

Balance activity and rest

There’s no reason for you to start the new year even more tired than before the holidays. That’s why keeping an eye on the number of hours you rest is so important. While sleeping for eight hours isn’t always possible with a busy social schedule, aim for close to the number of hours you normally would sleep. This may require you to skip out on some of the fun, but physical and mental health should remain a priority, even on holiday.

Exercise at home

Because the holidays are mainly a time to relax, it’s understandable that some days you won’t want to leave the house at all. So how do you still get your exercise in? It’s as simple as renting exercise equipment and setting it up anywhere in your home for you and the family to enjoy. If you don’t have gym equipment, look for no equipment workouts you can do or find services such as Striide, which offers gym equipment rentals.

Enlist a partner in crime

The best way to ensure you stick to your health and fitness goals is to tell someone about them. Choose a friend, partner, or someone you’re close with and share your journey. They will motivate you to push through on the days when you'd rather throw in the towel. Even better, get your loved one involved and train together to double the fun and accountability. A little bit of healthy competition could be just what you need to succeed.

Be mindful of what you take in

No one wants to bother with dirty dishes and cooking while on holiday. It’s much easier to order takeout or meet up with friends at a restaurant. And that's totally fine, as long as you stay mindful of what you eat and drink. Try avoiding deep-fried and super-sugary snacks and incorporate real, whole foods on your plate where you can. Alcohol is another huge contributor to overindulging. Sip on plenty of water at social events and parties in between glasses of bubbly to fill yourself up and stay hydrated.

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