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What it’s really like to have PCOS

PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome is prevalent in 15-20% of women who are still within their reproductive years. And in South Africa, a whopping 40% of infertility in women is attributed to PCOS.

So, we reached out to national radio and television host, Roch-Le Bloem, to get a real life perspective on how PCOS affects her everyday life.

When did you find out you have PCOS? 

I found out when I was 18 years old. At first, it was shocking and heartbreaking as doctors informed me that the possibility of having children one day would be a struggle, but I was relieved to find out early enough as I knew it would give me enough time to grasp the illness and work towards getting healthier.

How are you treating and managing your PCOS?

Since finding out that I have PCOS,  I’ve tried different types of diets and eating plans that could assist me in maintaining my weight. I eventually discovered that the key was to eliminate sugar, carbs, and meat, and up my intake of greens while incorporating cardio and weight training into my daily routine.

I’ve seen a huge difference in my mood, body and overall health. I’ve also become a big believer in meditation, as it calms and clears the mind, and helps regulate breathing and blood flow. I always feel amazing after meditation.

How has it affected your everyday life? 

Every day is different. Some days I feel amazing, and other days I can’t get up because I’m in so much pain.

The pain is the worst because it’s a sharp pain that tenses up your whole body. You can stick to your diet and exercise but still not lose weight, or feel better so it’s important to always find out what works for you and not follow what others are doing because everyone is different.

And, what advice do you have for women going through the same experience? 

Tell yourself you are beautiful and that you will conquer this, every day. It’s unfortunate that PCOS ladies have problems with fertility, weight fluctuation, and pain, but if you wake up and create a positive mantra for yourself, I’m certain you will feel better and get through your challenges.

If you slip up on you’re eating plan, or pick up 2kgs, don’t beat yourself up for it. Just try harder the next day to stick to your plan. It’s not your diet that needs to be changed, it’s your mindset and lifestyle that needs to be changed in order to survive this!

Want to find out what to eat when it’s that time of the month? Click here!

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