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7 Natural ingredients you can use to colour your hair

7 Ways to add colour to your hair, the natural way.

During the lockdown, we found weird and wonderful ways to maintain our hair. There was a time when we had no access to salons and avoided unnecessary trips to the shops. This practice has now become part of daily life.

More and more people are opting to go the natural route in all ways. This applies to hair care and hair colour.

We all know that using chemicals to dye your hair can not only damage your hair and skin but that they are damaging the environment.

Here’s a look at what mother nature has on offer for those looking to add colour to their tresses.


Henna is a natural plant-based dye that’s traditionally used to create temporary tattoos directly on the skin. It can also be used to dye your hair red. Henna comes in powder form and is probably the longest-lasting, most vibrant natural hair dye option. The colour can last for as long as four to six weeks.

Carrot juice

Try carrot juice if you want to give your hair a reddish-orange tint. Depending on the colour of your hair, the tint can last for a few weeks.

Beetroot juice

If you want a deeper red tint with cooler undertones, opt for beetroot juice instead of carrot juice.


A cup of brewed coffee can do more than just give you a caffeine boost. It can also help dye your hair a shade or two darker, and may even cover up some grey hair.


If you have dark brown or black hair and want to darken it a bit, sage is a good option. It can deepen shades of brunette hair, and it can also help cover up grey hairs.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice strip your hair of its pigment slowly, lightening it over time. It’s best used to achieve sun-kissed highlights naturally.

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