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What's Your Horoscope This Week?

This week you might feel particularly emotional, as we approach the full moon on Thursday. First though, Mars moved into Libra on Sunday and will remain there until the middle of October, so your close relationships are going to be emphasised over the next several weeks. You might be putting energy into dating, or you’re having to be there to support your partner. You could also be collaborating with people at work or seeing your good friends frequently. However, you may notice some relationship tension arise that you need to address. When confronting any issues, you will want to be extra mindful of the other person’s opinions, or you could be turning to the people closest to you for their advice on any situation that is causing you confusion at the moment.

Thursday brings a full moon in Pisces. Pisces is a very sensitive sign, so you may find that your intuition is heightened around this time, or you could feel a bit overwhelmed by your emotions. You might be picking up on how others are feeling too, or you’re feeling called to take care of someone or help out a group of people in some way. You may also be getting more in touch with your spirituality and be interested in studying astrology, meditating or practising manifestation. On the other hand, you might be creatively inspired and want to develop some type of artistic project. In addition, this full moon will be falling close to Saturn, so it may have you facing the tough reality of a relationship or situation in your life, or you could have to put extra work and effort into a specific area.

Virgo Horoscope

23 August – 23 September

You will be asserting yourself at work this week, Virgo, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be pitching ideas for projects or asking for a raise. If you’re self employed, you might be building out your business or figuring out ways to boost your income. However, you may be spending a lot of money too. With the full moon in Pisces, you may be emotional about a relationship, or you’re figuring out if you want to further commit to someone or not. On the other hand, you could be strengthening the relationship with your partner or close friend.

Libra Horoscope

24 September – 23 October

You will be putting energy into your own personal goals this week, Libra, as Mars moves into your sign. You might be launching a project that is important to you, or you could be receiving attention from other people. You may also find yourself in a situation where you need to be more confident and stand up for yourself. With the full moon in Pisces, you may feel emotional about work, or you’re figuring out what tasks are worth your time and energy. You may also be addressing health problems, and you’re prioritising taking care of your body.

Scorpio Horoscope

24 October – 23 November

You will be resting this week, Scorpio, as Mars moves into Libra. You could be low energy, or you might be figuring out how to best address underlying frustrations and heavier emotions by working through your feelings in therapy or doing another type of inner healing. You might be cutting out situations and mindsets in your life that are holding you back. With the full moon in Pisces, you might be dating and socialising, or you could be launching a creative project. You will be realising how you can best utilise your artistic skills and unique point of view.

Sagittarius Horoscope

24 November – 21 December

You will be connecting with friends this week, Sagittarius, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be organising a group outing, attending various social events, or even be collaborating with friends on a project. However, you may have to address some tension in your friend group, or there might be someone in your circle who is rubbing you the wrong way. With the full moon in Pisces, you might be seeing your family or be busy with activities around the home. You could be preparing to move, or you’re simply organising and cleaning your space.

Capricorn Horoscope

22 December – 20 January

You will be putting energy into your career this week, Capricorn, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be developing bigger work projects or possibly launching something you’ve been working on. You may also be motivated to apply for new jobs or make a decision regarding your current role. With the full moon in Pisces, you might be taking a short trip away somewhere. You could also be making progress on writing or speaking projects, or you are spending time reading or teaching yourself a new skill. You will want to keep your mind active by learning new information.

Aquarius Horoscope

21 January – 19 February

You will be thinking of the bigger picture in life this week, Aquarius, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be pondering more philosophical topics, or you could want to sign up for a course on a specific subject of interest. In addition, you could be travelling somewhere far away, or you’re gaining confidence in your writing and speaking skills. With the full moon in Pisces, you might be shopping and splurging on yourself. You could be emotional about money or work though, and you may realise that you need to be paid and appreciated more for your efforts.

Pisces Horoscope

20 February – 20 March

You will be focused on self improvement this week, Pisces, as Mars moves into Libra. A relationship issue you’re facing may urge you to look at your own patterns, or you might be revisiting therapy or doing healing work on your own. You could also be spending money on a big investment purchase, or you’re paying off bills. With the full moon in your sign, you may be prioritising your own desires instead of giving your energy away to other people. You may be paying greater attention to your appearance too, like dressing up or styling your hair differently.

Aries Horoscope

21 March – 19 April

You will be putting energy into your close relationships this week, Aries, as Mars moves into Libra. You may want to get back in the dating scene, or you may be spending quality time with your partner. However, there might be underlying issues in a romantic relationship or friendship that need to be addressed. With the full moon in Pisces, you may have a lot of emotions come up that you want to process, or you could be interested in developing a spiritual practice. You may also be releasing any mindsets and habits that are holding you back.

Taurus Horoscope

21 April – 21 May

You will be extra motivated at work this week, Taurus, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be tackling a lot of smaller tasks, or you could be restructuring your routine to be more productive. You may also have energy to exercise frequently or start following a healthier diet. With the full moon in Pisces, you will also be busy with group activities and connecting with friends, and you may feel super supported by a community of people. On the other hand, you may be reflecting on what friendships you value and who is really there for you.

Gemini Horoscope

22 May – 21 June

You will be building confidence in your creative skills this week, Gemini, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be initiating new hobbies or finding ways to inject your voice into your work. You may be standing up for yourself in dating or social situations, or you’re feeling like you can be your true self when around other people. With the full moon in Pisces, you may be super busy at work, and you could receive significant job opportunities. You might also be reflecting on your long term goals and where you want to be headed in your career.

Cancer Horoscope

22 June – 22 July

You will be putting energy into your home and family life this week, Cancer, as Mars moves into Libra. You might be preparing to move soon, or you’re working on renovating or decorating your space. You may also be seeing family, but you could also have to confront problems with a relative or roommate. With the full moon in Pisces, you may be re-evaluating your life beliefs, or you could feel very connected to your spirituality. You might also be travelling abroad, or you’re making progress on projects related to writing, public speaking or research.

Leo Horoscope

23 July – 22 August

You will be moving around a lot this week, Leo, as Mars moves into Libra. You could have numerous errands to take care of, or you’re scheduling meet-ups with friends. You could also be travelling somewhere, or you’re wanting to explore your neighbourhood. In addition, you might be preparing to launch projects related to writing or speaking. With the full moon in Pisces, numerous expenses may come up, or you’re finding ways to invest or save your money. On the other hand, you might be addressing relationship issues or be opening up about your emotions to someone.

Original article appeared on Vogue UK.

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