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WATCH: Celebrity trainer Hannah Eden explains why confidence is key to getting fit

Set a goal. Follow a plan. Find your reason. Persevere. These are the secrets to success that Hannah Eden- celebrity trainer, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and viral fitness influencer - swears by to live her healthiest, most mindful, and fulfilling life. Although Hannah fell into the fitness world by accident in 2012, it has since become the root of everything she does, and it’s her greatest passion.

From biking for nine days straight in Iceland to raise money for cancer research, to developing her own fitness app and opening a studio, Hannah is committed to spreading her knowledge and love for physical activity with all of her supporters, who follow her techniques from all over the world. A social media sensation and a workout guru extraordinaire, Hannah is a force to be reckoned with. She preaches positivity, scheduling, dreaming big, and empowers others to be confident in their health and wellness journeys.

The fitness influencer spoke exclusively to Glamour South Africa about her COVID-19 regimen, weekly workout schedule, nutrition plan, motivational advice, and revealed why you should be your own role model in life.

GLAMOUR: What sparked your passion for fitness and living a healthy lifestyle? Was this always important to you, or did a certain instance in your life inspire it?

Hannah Eden:

I stumbled into fitness by accident. I was in the midst of an extremely toxic lifestyle and met a friend that had invested in a new gym called CrossFit back in 2012. I wasn’t consciously looking to improve my then unhealthy lifestyle, I was just supporting a friend and figured I would try it out. I remember laying on my back after that first workout and staring at the ceiling with mixed emotions.

The first thought that came to mind was “ Holy sh#*# that was INSANE,” yet I felt unbelievably empowered and proud at the same time as wanting to throw up. I had always been an active, hyper kid that leaned more towards physical education than academics. I remember feeling so sore after that first workout but couldn’t wait to come back and do it again. My whole life I had been the rebellious child that often got into trouble and caused a lot of drama and drew negative attention to myself. I remember falling more and more in love with CrossFit and I advanced quickly and got into competing.

I think I fell HARD for fitness because it was the first thing I was consistently improving with, and it was a rewarding feeling to draw attention in a positive light for once. My parents were always active and I watched them train as early as 5am every single morning before their day started but I thought they were crazy. I quickly became “addicted” to the process of constantly improving myself through physical movement and disciplined training protocol.

GLAMOUR: What is your current fitness regimen, and your nutrition plan you use to stay in shape?


My current fitness regime is 5-6 days a week of PumpFit Club. I founded PumpFit Club in 2013 and it has always incorporated a hybrid style of training. Over the years it has evolved into a solid brand and constantly varied training program. PumpFit is a next level cross-training fitness program designed to achieve measurable results physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our workouts are designed to push the limits of what we believe is possible. Our hybrid training style incorporated HIIT, KettleBells, Animal Flow, Body Building, and Calisthenics. We blend these exercise disciplines into a workout that produces life-changing results to every level of athlete.


What one thing do you never skip in your workout?


I never skip an efficient warm-up so I can kick ass in my workout. My workouts constantly vary so I don’t repeat one thing every time! :)

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WOAHHHHH 💦🔥⁣ ⁣ This morning was WONDERFUL! 🥵 ⁣ ⁣ If you have a set of my mini-bands slap the black one around the top of the knees and the green around the feet and try this RAD superset! ⁣ ⁣ 45 sec ON 15 sec OFF⁣ ⁣ 1. Double Banded Thigh Killa Combo ⁣ 2. Tempo DB Pick Up⁣ ⁣ BURN THOSE BUNS BABY! ⁣ ⁣ If you are looking for a reliable set of mini bands head to I have a 5 pack for $14.99 and they are dope! ⁣ ⁣ If you are joining us Sunday for our zoom and you have some... BRING THEM! Optional of course but we will be spicing things up with these bad boys! ⁣ ⁣ Tickets available on my website too! Xo ⁣ ⁣ #HannahEdenFitness #HEFTribe #MiniBands #LoopBands #GluteWorkout #Butt #BootyPump

A post shared by Hannah Eden Fitness (@hannaheden_fitness) on May 1, 2020 at 8:23am PDT


How would you describe your philosophy on health and fitness, and how has it evolved?

HE: My philosophy on health and fitness has evolved drastically over the years. I walked into the world of fitness and was initially all about CrossFit. My philosophy then was to win. I did whatever it would take to be the fastest, strongest, most skilled athlete I could be. I didn’t care about what I looked like or how I felt I just wanted to perform. During that time I was ignorant of what it meant to be healthy, I just wanted to be fit.

I overlooked the correct way to train, I overlooked technique, recovery, and maintenance. I then “quit” CrossFit in 2015 after suffering a back injury. It was a bitter time but it gave me a total shift in perspective. I stopped obsessing over the weight I could lift and the speed I could move at, my goal was to educate myself and find a way to move “pain-free”. The one thing that has remained the same is the mental and spiritual strength I have gained from starting my fitness journey.

During my CrossFit days, it became more and more evident to me that I was able to do just about anything I set my mind to. I would simply have to set a goal, create a plan, and then consistently show up day after day to achieve it. It sounds so simple but to experience, this first hand built my overall confidence to set out to do whatever I dreamt of. I have definitely intensified this theory over time and continue to dream big, set goals, create a plan, and execute.

I transferred the energy I put into competing, towards business. The skills I have gained through physical exercise have changed my life drastically. I am now on a lifelong mission to help others see that they are also capable of making this shift if they are willing to put in the work. I am constantly keeping up with the latest fitness trends, exposing myself to new spaces, and adding more tools to my fitness toolbox.

GLAMOUR: Who or what gives you the most inspiration and motivation to achieve your fitness goals?


Honestly, myself. Once I discovered that it is me against me I stopped comparing myself to others. I inspire myself to achieve my fitness goals because I will often compare myself now to who I used to be. I also keep myself motivated because if we look for others to motivate us we have expectations that constantly fall short. We need to look within, we need to lift ourselves up and compete against ourselves to be better and to keep moving forward. If we look for others to do this for us we will constantly be disappointed.

GLAMOUR: What specific fitness goal are you currently focused on?


I am currently focused on training for a full iron man. Swimming has always been a weakness and I would LOVE to strengthen this whole in my game.

GLAMOUR: What's the best way for someone to motivate herself to get fit?


SET A GOAL. FOLLOW A PLAN. FIND YOUR REASON. PERSEVERE. Without a goal, it is hard to find the energy to show up every day. We say “Find Your Reason” to keep us motivated to reach the goal we have set. With the goal being set we need a plan to get there (training protocol) once we have these 3 things we must not stop till we reach the goal, and if we don’t make it the first time it doesn’t mean we can quit. Keep trying until you reach it.

GLAMOUR: One of the key elements for staying consistent with working out is accountability. Who keeps you accountable for working out consistently?

HE: I would say, my husband, Paulo, and the team of beautiful people around me. We have built something so incredible that now I know how many people are counting on me but the feeling is mutual. I show up for them too. The HEF Tribe is a powerful community of like-minded individuals that inspire and motivate me every single day.

GLAMOUR: What tips would you give to someone wanting to live a more healthy lifestyle?

HE: Don’t be extreme. Make a small change that you can stick to without setting yourself up for failure. The most incredible feeling is self-accomplishment. Start with something you know you can achieve, maybe including exercise into your week 2-3 times for 20-30 minutes not setting an extreme goal of training 6-7 days a week for 1-2 hours… Same with nutrition, start with a small attainable goal. You can continue to level up once you feel that feeling of achieving something you have set out to do. Use the momentum to level up and never stop committing to small changes that will improve your life.

GLAMOUR: You’ve become quite well known in the fitness industry, why do you think people trust you to achieve their fitness goals?


Thank you for the acknowledgment. Honestly, I am not sure. I used to think it was my red hair but have understood over time that it takes more than the color of my hair to stay consistent. I do my best to keep it real. I do my best to share any mistakes with others so they can avoid making them. I genuinely care about keeping my integrity as who I am as a human being that anything else and I believe that alone is enough. With that comes with me constantly learning and constantly applying everything I learn to my craft of coaching and inspiring others.

GLAMOUR: You have numerous different training options, what methods do you use and what inspired you to use these methods with your clients?


I have learned over the years that certain people need certain things. Although my style of training remains the same across my different training options, the delivery is what differs. Some people need visual coaching, to hear and see what I am asking them to do.

The HEF Training App allows me to be real and raw through LIVE workouts, I think a lot of people enjoy this because they not only get quality and in-depth training tips on technique, but they get to know us on a personal level. There is no editing or faking it when it comes to it. The Daily SWEAT is the same workouts we have on the HEF App but in a written format, this suits an individual that may not need the coaching tips and pace-setting.

They are always 6 fresh quality workouts a week that they can hit on their own time. Ebook Challenges are my third training option. These temporary challenges range from 6-14 weeks of leveling up. I often set myself personal challenges to keep me always wanting more and to “level up” if I am feeling stagnant. I often design mindful exercises to not only work on the physical but the mental too. Once we can connect the two, it will change the way we view fitness. I don’t do this to just stay in shape, I do this for my mental health too.

GLAMOUR: Do you have any advice for people in terms of how they should approach fitness and working out post-COVID?


I think COVID-19 forced us to all adapt to new styles of exercise and how we approach fitness. I believe more than ever following a healthy lifestyle is imperative. Our health matters, I have always known the power of staying healthy but not until now has it been a matter of life or death. If we are able to improve our health by finding a way to enjoy exercise a few times a week for 30-60 minutes then why would we not? I know it sounds so much easier said than done.

I have however heard countless times the lack of confidence is why a lot of people don’t join a gym or class. Now, this cannot be a barrier of entry since so many of us fitness professionals have found a way to deliver workouts for an inexpensive price to the comfort of your own home. I believe there are so many options out there now that I advise you to explore till you find what works for you and what you ENJOY. Don’t settle, working out does not have to be this dreaded chore. Keep exploring till you find something you genuinely love and you want to come back to.

GLAMOUR: What's something most people may not know about you?


In 2017 one of my closest friends was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer while being six months pregnant. My whole world stopped and I questioned everything. I knew I needed to do something to take action so I set out on a CRAZY mission to bike and run 828.6 miles around the Ring Road of Iceland to stand up against cancer. After a lot of planning, training, and humungous amounts of food I decided to make it happen with my team following me in an RV.

We completed the mission in 9 days and we raised over $60,000. It was the most insane experience of my life where a lot of my philosophy I mentioned above came to light. I had always thought the mind was powerful but it wasn’t till this mission that I proved my theory was 100% correct.

Got a fitness question? Email Sebastien at [email protected] for his expert opinion!

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