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Before you refill your water bottle, read this:

Do you refill your water bottle regularly? Pat yourself on the back for recycling and keeping hydrated like any responsible person should? Well, a new study has shown that water bottles could be harbouring as much bacteria as a toilet seat. Yep.

New research from treadmillreviews has revealed that reusable water bottles are in fact covered in germs. The researchers lab-tested refillable water bottles that had been used by athletes over the course of a week and found that the bottle with the highest bacteria count had more bacteria than a toilet seat. The average person’s water bottle was found to have over 300 000 colony forming units of bacteria. That’s a lot FYI and certainly enough to make you very sick. 

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Now, before you totally freak, we in no way want you to begin contributing to an already withering environment by throwing your water bottle out after one go. Instead, wash it well in between refills. Another tip? Invest in a stainless steel bottle, the researchers found that drinking from this is much healthier than plastic alternatives.

Drink away!

Taken from GLAMOUR UK. Click here to read the original.

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